
Grow taller exercises

29/11/2010 12:40

Grow taller exercises (specific types), combined with a good diet along with the proper posture, are contributing factors that the body can benefit from in a number of different ways. If you're still young and growing, exercises to increase height can indeed help increase your height.

Stretching Can Help Also

Besides grow taller exercises, stretching can also be beneficial to help gain some height. Stretching can help elongate ligaments, muscles, and tendons which can help you to be a little bit taller. If you have not done a lot of stretching in the past, then take it slow and build up your stretching. Stretching too much too soon can injure you an empty your progress.

Stretching exercises as follows:

- The first grow taller exercise is Wall stretching: Place your bank against a wall, put your arms up as high as you can stand on your tip toes and stretch as far up the wall as you can repeat this around 10 times once a day.

- The second exercise is to Touch Your Toes: Stand up straight put your arms straight up in the air, bend over and touch your toes keeping your legs straight. Repeat 10 times.

- The Third grow taller exercise is Hanging: Yes hanging from a bar is a great grow taller exercise which helps to increase the length of your spine. You should do this for around 25 minutes per week.

Grow taller exercises are a major part of most grow taller regimens. If you're looking for natural ways to get taller, you will need to know how certain exercises affect your body's ability to grow. Exercises can benefit your growth efforts by elongating your spine, correcting postural issues, and releasing growth hormones.

This height increase exercise looks deceptively simple but is actually quite difficult to perform. And that is why if you are able to do it correctly, it can be very effective. This grow taller exercise also decompresses and relaxes your spine. It will stretch your neck, hips, hamstrings, calves and the whole of your back.

This is a simple exercise you can do practically everywhere. Just stand straight and put your hands behind your head. Then proceed to bend your torso backwards thus stretching the spine. This is basically like a standing bridge exercise. Do it slow and stretch gradually. Feel your spine stretching and get back to standing position. Do each repetition for about 5 seconds in the morning preferably.

You see, grow taller exercises are unique because they were designed to straighten the curvatures in your spine which will add several inches to your height. A lot of people have poor spinal curvatures and they don't even know it. These exercises will strengthen your bones and straighten your curvatures which will promote more growth in your body. The only catch to these exercises is that you have to stay committed to performing them on a consistent basis.

You can also do some grow taller exercises for stretching the back and neck when seated at home or at the office. You just have to straighten your back and look forward with your head up. Then move your chin to your chest and breathe deeply. For optimal results you can touch your left shoulder with the left ear and vice versa.

We spend every single day in an upright position, therefore, gravity is one factor that affects height growth. When gravity squeezes the joints, spine and cartilage, the growth stops. One way to neutralize the effect of gravity is through hanging. Through hanging, the lower torso stretches the spine and reduces the tension between vertebrae. People who have tried this kind of exercise believe that their height increased by one to two inches.

These exercises can be done by just about anyone and they're fun to do, especially when you consider that you're finally doing something about being so short. When you do these exercises to grow taller, you will increase your self confidence, you'll begin to enjoy dating again, you'll be able to get the power job you've always wanted, you'll be better at sports, and basically you'll be able to achieve anything you thought you couldn't because you weren't as tall as everyone else.

First sit on the floor and stretch your legs while keeping your back straight and put your arms on your hips. Now try to touch your toes by bending your back forward. Yes you will not be able to touch your toes at first but believe me you will succeed if you continue to perform this exercise over and over again. This will increase your back flexibility and it will help you to grow taller naturally. Repeat this exercise six to eight times.

This exercise requires a pole from which you can hang down. Basically you need to hold on to the pole, relax completely and just hang. You might want to put some weights around your waist but always be careful not to harm your self and not to use heavy weights. You can change grips during this exercise until you feel the right "stretch". If you use a wider grip, you will develop wider shoulders, which look good on males.

Hanging stretches are also beneficial, but it easier to do them at the gym. These stretches are simple but very effective. They generally involve you hanging from a pull-up bar, and extending your arms, spine, back and legs for about 10 seconds each time. For more of a challenge you could add a weight belt. If you keep asking "How can I grow taller" then stick to doing these stretches for at least 30 minutes per week, and you will see results.

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Causes of Stubborn Forehead Acne

29/11/2010 12:34

Acne Vulgaris on the forehead is quite distressing for the subject because it is in such a highly visible position. If you watch the media, or even listen to some dermatologists, you may be handed something like Benzoyl Peroxide (topical treatment) or Eurythramycin (anti-biotics) to "cure" your acne problem. For mild cases, these prescriptions may help control outbreaks and give you temporary mild alleviation in terms of sheer number.

Selection of skin care products according to your skin type - acne-free skin care formulations. Avoid the use of excessive stimulation of the cleansing products, using a cotton pad, cloth or sponge to clean, not cleaning the face before the crowded small acne, it will increase the chance of infection. The use of deep cleansing mask for oily skin will make you temporary relief of acne. Exfoliating scrub with caution because the more sensitive skin will stimulate the growth of acne.

Causes of Stubborn Forehead Acne

Like any other type of acne, stubborn forehead pimples are caused by clogged pores filled with excess oil and dead skin cells. These pimples get worse and more inflamed when a particular type of bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, become trapped inside the pores. As these bacteria multiply they make the pimple redder and more inflamed. This gives way to more severe forms of acne that are harder to treat and fade away.

Before you go to bed every night, use a hair tie or bobby pin to pull your bangs back and off of your forehead. Whats the logic behind this? Throughout the day, you accumulate oil on your face and one your scalp. This oil travels up the roots of your hair and settles. People who have long bangs are unfortunate enough to have this excess oil brushing their forehead all the time.

Forehead acne is an infection that can be seen by all people that are going around the affected person leaving them with a feeling of embarrassment. Such people should never assume that the problem will be eliminated after a few visits to a skin care clinic. The clinic would definitely have advised them about changes in their regular lifestyle, along with a major change in their dietary habits as well.

You can treat your acne by using a mild facial cleanser; choose a product that will not irritate sensitive skin for example a product that has at most 3.0 percent of benzoyl peroxide. It is the most crucial part when treating forehead acne, it keeps prevent bacteria from getting into the skin pores. Applying only benzoyl might not bring a perfect solution to get rid of acne fast. Some tend to cause dry skin, so do not over apply it.

If you use more acne medication than directed by your doctor you can actually worsen your acne. Many over-the-counter acne treatments contain active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Too much of either of these can cause your skin to become excessively dry or irritated. It can take time for your skin to adapt to new medications. Remember that it may take up to 8 weeks for any acne medication to have a noticeable effect.

Most dermatologists and skin experts are against self medication. It is imperative that before you buy a skin care product for your skin, you were able to identify your individual skin type and acne grades. There are so many commercial facial creams and acne products that are sold over the counter that are manufactured particularly for people who have oily skin. Moreover, it is vital to check for allergies with any of the products' ingredients to avoid skin irritation and serious reactions.

But at recent gathering of the American Academy of Dermatology Edward Seaton, MD, of the Hammersmith Hospital in London, proposed that nonablative laser acne treatments do not kill Propionibacterium acnes (bacteria largely blamed for causing acne) or decrease sebum production.

Acne vulgaris is most commonly experienced around puberty, typically of the face, shoulders and chest. Most pimples are found on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Several factors have been suggested to influence acne including diet, menstruation, sweating, UV radiation, stress, and occupation.

The causes of acne are varied and may include hormonal activity, stress, accumulation of dead skin cells and allergy to bacteria which are present in the pores of the skin. Sometimes it is a reaction to anabolic steroids and medication containing halogens, lithium, barbiturates or androgens. Some research suggests a role for food allergy, in the development of acne which implies the elimination of trigger foods could be helpful in the treatment of acne.

Several factors have been suggested to influence acne including diet, menstruation, sweating, UV radiation, stress, and occupation. Acne is one of most common skin conditions in the world, affecting more than 40 million people. The most common type of acne is acne vulgaris.

You are a teenager and some wired spots started appear on your face? There isn't any reason to worry about them. You don't have chickenpox or some kind of food allergy. You are just starting to experience acne. What acne means? Acne is not a disease in the true power of this word; acne is more a hormonal disorder. You are at an age when your body starts to change, and with it the activity of different organs changes.

The third way you will be able to tell if your acne treatment is working is by not looking at your acne, but the look and feel of your skin. Successfully treated skin will still have oil on the surface to prevent your skin from becoming too dry, but there should not be excessive amounts of it. You will want to keep in mind, however, that the area of your face that includes your forehead and down your nose (called the T-zone) may have more oil than the rest of your face.

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Healthy Bones With Shark Cartilage

27/11/2010 17:12

It evokes horror in the mind of people on the beach, the triangle shaped tail fin. It is this very aquatic animal's cartilage tissue that we call shark cartilage. Its contribution to the formational of the skeletal system is vital. A translucent elastic tissue it composes most of the skeleton of embryonic and very young vertebrates. Post a process of calcification it transforms into bones and makes a fully developed skeletal system.

One other part of the shark anatomy that have been said to both boost the humans' immune system and "cure" cancer is the shark cartilage. Shark cartilage pills are told to be quite effective in fighting cancer but experts advise some caution as it has not been proven in humans yet. The affirmation of such a statement comes from testing done in laboratory rats.

What types of things are related to sharks? Well...where do I begin? You want to be entertained by something that gives you goose bumps and raise your adrenaline level? Depending on your budget, there is something for you. You can choose shark movies such as "Jaws" and "Deep Blue Sea", enjoy one of the shark tours, view documentaries on shark attacks or experience some shark cage diving.

Shark meat is also considered a delicacy which is mainly used Asian recipes, especially in shark fin soup. Unfortunately, many sharks are butchered by fishermen practicing finning and releasing them into the wild, guaranteeing them a slow, painfully cruel death sentence.

Do you know what kind of practice is "finning?" It is one of the most inhumane practices there is in the fishing industry. Fishermen catch sharks, cut their fins, preferably the dorsal one, and then get rid of the shark's carcass by throwing it overboard. The Great White shark is their favorite prey for this soup as the enormous size of its fins is filled with meat which explains the fact that they are now on the endangered species list.

Other properties include the capability to protect against radiation damage during radiation therapy for various types of cancer. Alkylglycerols act as a tough immune system booster against infectious disease and are what help give nursing animals, including breast-fed babies, protection against infection until their own immune systems can fully develop.

Let's find out about common shark tales that are surrounding some popular shark tales. For example, one shark tale is saying that all sharks must swim to breath and stay alive. In fact, while this statement is partly true as most shark species do need to keep swimming to be able to breathe and avoid drowning. Some species such as lemon, nurse and bull sharks can rest at the bottom of the ocean and keep breathing by opening and closing their mouth and filter the water through their gills.

Some fishermen will even use some panfish chum recipes believing they may be more successful in attracting sharks. Then, they will proceed to the shark finning process on their prey by cutting off the fins and returning the animals to the water where they will definitely die of a cruel and painful death.

Osteoarthritis is a disorder wherein there is a deterioration of the cushioning cartilage between the joint bones. Glucosamine and Chondroitin are known as being able to restore cartilage and help slow down osteoarthritis by forming and repairing cartilage, promoting water retention and elasticity, and at the same time stopping enzymes from disintegrating the cartilage.

Like rays and skates the jaws in shark are not attached to cranium. The jaws provide support to the gill arches and reduce stress. Jaws have a hexagonal layer made up of calcium salts arranged in mosaic called as tesserae. These provide support to body like that of bone in other vertebrates. Generally one layer of tesserae is present in sharks but the bull sharks and tiger sharks have two layers. In rostrum the cartilage is soft and spongy and acts as a shock absorber.

Unlike the bony kind of fish, sharks are boneless: Their skeleton is made of only cartilage, which is a very strong, fibrous material but not nearly as hard as bone. Also unlike bony fish Sharks also have no gal bladder. There are many different types of sharks that can range in size from as big as a human's hand to bigger than a minivan. Adult sharks can grow to a size from seven inches long--Spine Pygmy shark-- up fifteen meters in length--the Whale shark.

What is shark finning? Well, to be honest, if it involved using the whole carcass of a shark by simply cutting it out so most body parts could be commercially used, that would be one thing but the matter of a fact, it is much worst. You see, while finning techniques vary according to the regulations imposed by various countries. While Australia, United States of America, New Zealand and Mexico are banning shark finning, most other countries permitted either by imposing a series of regulations or not regulating it at all in which case the fate of the poor animal is worst then sudden death.

Just like anti acne products are available in countless variations, sharks too exist in numerous varieties. Nevertheless, like only few products such as Clearpores Skin Cleansing System manage to make a mark, just a few species of sharks are more popular than the rest. This fish specie exists in more than 400 varieties of various colors, shapes and sizes. Not a lot of people are informed about the fact that whale is also a kind of shark.

Sharks charm adults and children alike. They have been around longer than dinosaurs and evolved little in the last 150 million years. They have been expert hunters long before humans came into existence. Their senses are highly developed. Half of the brain powers a keen sense of smell. Their teeth are replaceable. They have mirror-like eyes and a lateral line to feel vibrations. They know when a prey is nearby.

Sharks also prey on a lot of other fishes in the ocean. But no matter how aggressive and dangerous they look, there is one thing that sharks can not eat. That is a puffer fish. A puffer fish bloats like a balloon as a defense mechanism when they sense an imbalance in their surroundings. Its sharp needles hurt the mouth of a shark when they are swallowed.

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Stye Treatment

27/11/2010 17:04

Eye styes originate from bacterial infections that form at the edge of your eyelid, which disturb the eyelash's hair follicle. The hair follicles become blocked by the infection and this eventually (after about 3-5 days) leads to the area becoming swollen and causing a varying level of discomfort, depending on the severity of the infection. In most cases, when you rub your eye, the infection will spread from one hair shaft to another.

Stye Treatment:

Styes are usually caused by staphylococcus bacteria which inflamed sebaceous glands located near the base of the eye lashes. Although they look like pimples, they should not be squeezed nor pierced because the bacteria in then may spread over the entire eyelid.

Anyone can be affected with Styes at any age, but your chances of getting them increase as your experienced more stressful events in your everyday life. Whether you are a male or female, you possess the same risk of suffering from styes during your lifetime.

Get Rid of a Stye: Treatments & Remedies

Whenever you are treating a stye, be very careful and resist the urge to pop or squeeze it! Do not rub your eyes because you can easily spread the infection to your other eye - that is unless you want a matching set... :) If your stye does not go away within a week see your doctor about getting antibiotics.

Many times I've heard the expression what's the matter you got a sty in your eye, whenever somebody is upset and crying. This is normally said when they are poking fun at somebody, but nevertheless it might make you wonder what a sty is. In this article I am going to explain a little bit about what a sty is and what you can do when you get one.

Eye styes, or stys as they are sometimes spelled, are one of the most commonly reported eye conditions in the medical community. Essentially, styes are small bumps that form on the outer or inner part of the eyelid due to eyelashes, dirt or even bacteria. In essence, styes are similar to pimples. There has yet to be any conclusive evidence that eye styes are caused by stress but anecdotal evidence from stye sufferers tends to point in that direction.

If our sebaceous glands are infected, we may suffer from some problems, like eye stye. Pimple-alike symptoms will appear on the infected eye area. However, they should be cautiously treated and it is a good idea to ask a doctor for help, because this problem is caused by bacteria in most cases. If we penetrate stye, our eyes might be infected, too.

Hairs grow from follicles and eyelashes grow the same way. It is not unusual for a follicle to become infected. When it does, a red swelling appears on the edge of the lid at the base of the eyelash. The swelling contains a white head of pus. This is called a sty. Styes are extremely painful until they burst. They will burst within a few days. At this time the pain subsides and the eyelash is lost.

Conjunctivitis, more commonly known as pink eye, is commonly caused by an inflammation or infection of the conjuctiva, or the mucus membrane that lines the eyelids and coats the white areas of the eyes. This infection can be viral, bacterial or allergic in nature. The symptoms of pink eye usually depend on what is causing the infection or inflammation. However, the common signs for all types include redness, itchiness or discomfort, and watery eyes.

Although damage to the eyes is the most feared complication, it is actually the most manageable. Generally, the disorders are very minor and there are a number of procedures available to treat them. Those who do not properly maintain their diabetes can face blindness when the tiny blood vessels attached to the retina are damaged. Cataracts (a clouding of the lens of the eye) and glaucoma (a buildup of pressure in the eye) can also be a cause of vision loss and the reason for having your eyes checked regularly by a professional is a part of good diabetes maintenance.

The National Rosacea Society classifies rosacea into four "sub-types." The first, Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea, is a mild form in which the face, especially the forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks, develop a bright red appearance. These bright red patches are usually more noticeable after an alcoholic drink, heavy workout, stressful situation, or spicy meal.

The twelve tissue salts. For each different type of tissue, there is one or more salt involved in generation and, without them, nothing can be repaired properly. I think this means that, if we do not have sufficient of these important nutrients, then we can eat the best possible of diets and still not be able to absorb or utilise enough of the vitamins, enzymes, proteins and fatty acids needed for the proper functioning of our bodies.

Many people don't even know they have rosacea and treat their condition as if it was acne. Common symptoms of rosacea include having red flushes which are not just restricted to the sufferer's face they can also appear on the neck, in the eye and also their chest. The flaring up is caused by the rapid flow of blood through the blood vessels. In later stages of the condition and the flushes become more common the sufferer can look as if they have sunburn or a permanent blush and will often experience itching known as a rosacea rash or a stinging sensation.

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Symptom of Throat Cancer

26/11/2010 12:24

Chronic earaches are a common symptom of throat cancer; these aches can sometimes be mistaken for an ear infection caused by flu. Chronic sore throat is another major symptom of throat cancer and it can be persistent and not go away. A dry throat and difficulty speaking, sometimes it can feel like there is a lump in the back of the mouth, throat or neck, this symptom can also make one sound hoarse. Sometimes a patient suffering from cancer of the throat will feel numbness all over the face. A throat cancer patient can show visible sores on the tongue and mouth.

The next type of symptom causes from the tumors that occurs in the nose, throat and in lungs. The tumors may result in bleeding in regions like nose, throat or in mouth. If the bleeding occurs in mouth saliva and if it occurs frequently, then the physician must be consulted to examine the possible reason for the bleeding.

symptoms are:

- Hoarseness encountered for more than 1-2 weeks

- Soar throat encountered for more than 1-2 weeks

- Pain in your neck

- Swallowing difficulties

Throat Cancer Treatments:

Surgery - The surgery complexity will depend on the severity and extent of damage caused by the throat cancer.

Radiation - The radiation dose will vary depending on the size of the throat cancer tumor.

Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy will attack the throat cancer cells and (hopefully) eliminate them. Side effects from chemotherapy are generally extremely unpleasant.

If you want to know whether or not you have throat cancer, you should familiarize yourself with some of the symptoms that might appear. If the symptoms are detected early enough, the throat cancer can be successfully treated. The purpose of the treatment will be to destroy the cancerous cells before they spread to the other parts of the body.

It can be treated effectively when identified in right time. The surgery is the common treatment available. It is also the effective treatment when the need arise to remove the tumor from the affected area. The other treatments provided for the throat cancer are radio therapy, chemo therapy among others. The radiation therapy is combined with the chemotherapy for better results. The surgery is usually done along with the radio therapy to remove any small lump that cannot be removed by the surgery.

This is a type of cancer in which cancer cells forms in the tissues of the hypo pharynx. The bottom part of the pharynx is called as the hypo pharyngeal. The basic risk factors for this type of cancer include tobacco consumption in any form and excess alcohol. Even diet without proper nutrition may cause this cancer. These types of cancer are diagnosed with the Barium esophagogram, Esophagoscopy, Bronchoscopy and Biopsy.

What few people may know is that throat cancer can actually either be head and neck cancer or esophageal cancer. Head and neck cancer can from the upper aerodigestive tract, like the lips, oral cavity, nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx. Esophageal cancer, on the other hand, derives its name from its singular location, the esophagus.

Issues surrounding the head and mouth could also point to throat cancer. Ear pain could be one sign that there is an issue with the throat. In addition, pain in the upper teeth is a symptom that should motivate someone to make an appointment with their doctor for a checkup.

Among the various cancer types, the throat cancer is the deadly one. The death rate  is higher than any other type of the cancer. The reason for this is the discovery of the cancer in the later stage of the development. The throat cancer symptoms are similar to the day-to-day problems like sore throat, pain in throat. This makes its discovery in its early stage difficult.

Hoarseness in the voice is a clear sign of laryngeal cancer. Early signs of throat cancer can be characterized by strained voice, raspy breathing and a hoarse voice. The harsh voice comes into picture as a result of tumor in the larynx. At times, changes in the voice are noticeable in an obvious way and under such circumstances the concerned person should push the panic button at once.

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Hair Perming During Pregnancy

26/11/2010 12:14

Many pregnant women have dyed their hair while being pregnant, yet there are no known reports affecting your baby's health. There's been known that only a small portion of the hair color application on the scalp is absorbed, it is so minimal that little would be available to get to your developing baby, and it is not thought to be enough to cause a problem for the baby.

In order to prevent hair loss there are many products available on the market. The most important igredients, which prevent hair loss is saw palmetto. It is clearly evident that saw palmetto blocks DHTs and is a natural medication. A product called Hair Genesis consists of saw palmetto and is extensively used to cure hair loss.

As a licensed cosmetologist and online hair care consultant, I've seen and corrected my share of hair care issues! Not only will the information I share with you help you fight, but it will also help you win (or at the very least prepare you to take a stand against) the battle of losing your hair, due to pregnancy.

During your pregnancy and following childbirth, you can help preserve your hair's health by watching your diet and hormone levels. Also, if your hair is excessively dry, consider shampooing it once every two days rather than daily. Treat it with care when it's wet since this is when breakage is most likely to occur.

The best way to stop rapid hair loss is to know what causes it in the first place. If it is caused by medications for chemotherapy or even for thyroid problems, you can try asking your doctor to recommend substitute medications. If a substitute drug is not possible, you just have to give the follicles some time to recover, once your medical problem has been resolved and you can already discontinue the medications.

The psychological pain of hair loss and its effect on our sense of empowerment is as devastating as any disfiguring disease. If you are a balding woman, your hair loss is a life altering condition with profound consequences for your health. Getting your hands on the wheel and driving yourself toward a solution for hair loss is the first step toward reviving your sense of personal strength and power.

Other causes of female hair loss may include thyroid disorders, anemia, even chronic illness or the use of certain medications can also cause hair loss in women that is often undiagnosed. Birth control pills too can be a factor.

Since there are so many reasons (many very serious medical conditions), that may be causing a woman to lose her hair unnaturally, it is extremely important to see a doctor to rule out any physical reasons for your hair before trying to treat it.

Pregnant women and those who have just given birth should be especially careful to avoid the chemicals involved in hair dying or perming. Hair loss after pregnancy is guaranteed to become worse if the hair is exposed to these damaging ingredients.

Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily treated with antifungal medicines. Finally, hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.

Common baldness also known as male-pattern hair loss, is the major cause of baldness in men and is hereditary. People who suffer from this condition normally have family members that also suffer from it. This type of baldness usually starts on the side of the head slowly moving to the center of the head.

Treatment of Female hair loss:

Treatment options for women are more limited than those available to men. A consultation with a skilled specialist to discuss your options is advised. The popular topical treatment Rogaine for women (minoxidil) can be used by women. And many women do hair restoration surgery to restore their hair. Hormone replacement pills, such as Prempro, plus Aldactone are better after menopause.

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Treatment of Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst

25/11/2010 13:06

All strokes damage the brain by disrupting circulation, but strokes come in multiple varieties. Because different parts of the brain are specialized to perform specific functions, symptoms produced by strokes vary according to what part of the brain was injured. In one patient the symptom might be weakness on one side of the body. In another it might be a partial loss of vision. In still another, a loss of speech. And symptoms can vary in intensity from mild to severe according to how large the area of damage is and whether it occurred in a pivotal location.

Feline retinal hemorrhage will usually disappear within two to four weeks if they are small, but if they are large, it may several months for them to dissipate. If they are severe, it could cause your pets' retina to detach. This a condition in which the retina, the innermost layer on the back of your cats' eye, slips away from the protective attachments.

Subarachnoid hemorrhages occur annually in about 10 people out of 100,000. This computes to a 0.01% rate of annual occurrence. Contrast this figure with the 12% of the adult population who have migraine (most of whom have at least one severe headache per year) and it is apparent that the vast majority of severe headaches are not due to ruptured aneurysms.

If the bleeding is confined within the ovary and is not released into the abdomen, a hemorrhagic cyst will form. This is simply a pocket of blood. Hemorrhagic ovarian cysts can also occur and regress, undetected, during a normal menstrual cycle. They may not require any treatment unless the doctor may say so otherwise. In cases where these cysts ruptures thereby causing pain, an open surgery or laparoscopy may be an option.

Hemorrhagic cysts are also referred to as blood cysts because blood is present in the fluid. They develop when a blood vessel breaks in the cyst and spills blood into it. Though they are generally harmless they can cause abdominal pain. The pain is usually located on one side of the body in the lower abdominal region. As the cyst fills with blood it can stretch very rapidly causing pain.

A hemorrhagic cyst is unlikely to cause serious complications. Most functional cysts, even those that are hemorrhagic in nature, will go away with no medical intervention. You may have some abdominal pain, which could be the only recognizable sign that the cyst is even present. If the cysts bursts, it could release the blood-laced fluid into the abdominal cavity, but even that shouldn't be too serious or require surgery.


Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in dogs has some very distinctive symptoms, with the most famous being diarrhea. But this is no ordinary diarrhea, and as an owner, you will understand it when you see it. Once you do see it and recognize it as the threat that it is, the quicker you can get your dog professionally treated, the better their chances of surviving it. With this syndrome you simply cannot wait to see if it corrects itself.

There can be times when your treatment at home or with prescription medication does not help with the pain and discomfort. In these cases it is not unusual for your GP to order an ultrasound be done so that they can have a better look at your cyst and decide on whether it needs removing.

A functional cyst can occur during the course of the female menstrual cycle. They are caused by a slight alteration in the normal function of the ovaries. Functional cysts are in no way indicative of disease. These types of cysts can go unnoticed for years and need little or no treatment. However, when they grow, they can cause symptoms such as lower pelvic pain, and irregular periods.

These ovarian fibroids are functional in nature and contain or release blood. Normally, these types of cysts do not rupture but if they do then they release blood and the women may feel irritation in her pelvic region. These types of cysts do not require any type of intervention. Hemorrhagic cysts are experienced by almost all women at a certain period in their lives.

A holistic approach to the treatment of a common functional ovarian cyst or a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst includes the elimination of processed foods, fast foods, sugar, caffeine, fried foods, and replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and lean protein.

If surgery does become necessary, doctors will most often use laparoscopy on hemorrhagic cysts. Laparoscopy is minimally invasive and is often referred to as keyhole surgery. The surgeon uses a laparoscope, a small flexible tube that contains a light source and a camera.

You have been diagnosed with a hemorrhagic cyst. It sounds really scary and potentially dangerous. So, why did your doctor send you back home? Why are you not admitted for some sort of procedure? The answer: hemorrhagic cysts are aptly named and treatable, but only if necessary.

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Fat Burning Exercise for Your Body

25/11/2010 13:00

There are a lot of fat burning exercises for men available to choose from. But some exercises will burn a lot more fat, much faster than the others. This article will focus on the top 5 fat burning exercises for men specifically created to help men burn more fat and build stronger muscle fast.

A good fat burning exercise program will take you slowly and steadily towards your goal of developing your natural beauty. Your body shape will change slowly and your natural beauty will emerge gradually. Be patient and don't expect miracles overnight. If you do you will set yourself up for disappointment. Set yourself a realistic time scale and stick with it, the fat burning exercises replace fat with toned and supple muscles.

Different type of exercises will burn more sugar rather than burning fat. Sugar burning exercises involve brief spurts of movement followed by rest which results in more sugar that is used for fuel instead of fat.

Sugar burning exercises include sprinting, tennis, racquetball, basketball, and golf. While these are great sports that benefit your overall fitness condition, they are different type of exercises that will not burn as much fat like fat burning exercises will.

These are some of the best exercises to achieve these objectives:

1-Exercise bike
2-Road cycling

The third type of exercise is any type of pulling exercise. From chinups to pull-ups, bodyweight rows to dumbbell rows, kettlebell swings to deadlifts, there are a lot of options here, and as you see, some exercises can even cross-over into the squatting category. If you have resistance bands, you can use those as well.

You can pick home treadmill and other workouts as they are also great fat burning exercises that are recommended by various trainers and professionals as such exercises increase the amount of oxygen inside of your body which in turn enhances the blood flow.

However the criteria that makes each one successful lies in their comfort levels. While one person may love the sensation of jogging and is comfortable with, another may hate it. People with knee problems may prefer the treadmill while people suffering from heel injuries may prefer the stair master. At the end of the day, what benefits each gives relies on personal preference. Cardio workouts can only provide their maximum benefits if one enjoys what they are doing.

During a fat burning exercise session, your body goes through several stages before it reaches the point where you are burning fat. Initially you will only burn carbohydrates for energy. This lasts for approximately 10 minutes. Then you begin to burn fat for energy.

Swimming uses all major muscle groups, making it one of the best overall fat burning exercises. Swimming is also the only exercise that puts no stress on the joints, so it's suitable for everyone. And, it has the added benefit of building some serious muscle in addition to being a great fat burning exercise.

Dieting along with proper exercises is the secret to make your fat disappear quickly. In fact you can begging to see a difference in a as little as a week. By now you must be wondering, what are those best fat burning exercises to burn stubborn belly fat that he is talking about. Here they are!

Not many people or fitness professionals are aware of the enormous benefits from an interval training session. Interval training can produce benefits in as little as 20 minutes. And, the greatest benefit, is that for the next 24 hours following an interval program, the fat burning process is accelerated.

There has to be a light warm up at the beginning. This consists of any light aerobic exercises or warm ups. Any light type of exercise will work. The one thing that has to be ensured is that you should break into a light sweat before you finish the regimen. The light exercises will help your muscles to work and prevent any sort of injury from happening. These exercises will not only burn stomach fat but also burn fat all over the body.

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Female Infertility and Lifestyle Choices

24/11/2010 12:03

The rate of infertility and impotence in men is currently alarming. The statistics shows that about 50% of childlessness among couples results from infertility and impotence in men or their reproductive inadequacies. The psychological and marital complication of sexual weakness or impotence is not a thing to imagine let alone being neglected. It accounts for majority of marriage failures. As a matter of fact, infertility and impotence in men is a marriage canker worm.

Most infertility treatments and infertility doctors ignore the psycho-spiritual component of fertility boost. In other words, the mind-body connection is the missing link in infertility management. It appears that we have lived our lives as humans that we have forgotten that we are primarily spirits trying to have a human experience. Man is a spirit, he has a soul and live in an earth suit called the body. Anything or chemical impulse that happens in the body affects the soul (mind, core of the soul) and the spirit--the real you.

If there is some sort of a blockage, then that has a good chance of it being treated and fixed. In the case where sperm is not abundant in the semen, the doctor can actually go into the tubes and retrieve sperm through a medical procedure. There are other causes as well, but most can be solved with the use of fertility drugs.

If "reducing stress" and "relaxation" are starting to sound a little alien, one of the most effective stress busters is to work off extra energy. Go for a jog, a swim, or anything else you like to do to get moving. Exercise also releases endorphins, the "feel good" hormone, and inhibits the production of cortisol. Also, talk with your partner. If both of you are under stress, it is especially important to bond and be there for one another. Keep your lines of communication open, and reach out to others - look for any support groups in your area. Go to bed earlier if you can.

From several reports and studies available, about a third of infertility problems are due to problems with the male reproductive tract, another third due to problems in the female reproductive system, while others are either due to a combined factor or are unexplained.

In vitro fertilization is done by managing the process of ovulation, removal of the eggs (ova) from the ovary of the woman, and allowing the sperm fertilize the egg in an alternative fluid medium. When the eggs are fertilized, it is transferred to the uterus of the woman and will be monitored to ascertain success in getting pregnant.

Celibacy or temporary periods of sexual (or ejaculatory) fasting allows the spark plugs of the genitals to recharge (rejuvenate and revitalize), in addition to allowing sperm count and production to increase. Celibacy is also warranted to help heal from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), which is the number one cause of chronic degeneracy of the male sex gland and reproductive system.

You have a number of Fertility Treatments available, which include: fertility drugs, surgery, IVF, GIFT, ZIFT, donor eggs, and surrogacy. In 85% to 95% of cases, Infertility can be treated with conventional Fertility Treatments, such as drug treatment. These solutions are more affordable and less invasive than some of the other options.

Most woman have infertile periods over the years. They are mostly unaware of these times because they are not trying to conceive during those times. Statistics indicate that a woman's chances of falling pregnant are only one in one hundred. With every one out of every seven woman being infertile.

The beauty of a holistic approach is there are no side effects and what is administered to the patient is purely natural. Holistic medicine works on a persons mind body and spirit as all these factors when not working in harmony can cause infertility. Natural healers believe that when something is not right in a person's life it will manifest itself in sickness and disease. Infertility is steadily rising and it is mainly due to our lifestyle choices.

Some of the most common causes of infertility are also the most preventable. Since I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one experiencing this, I'm putting out the info I've found, including the program that I found success with to hopefully cause others to reach success much sooner than I did. This page, we'll focus on some of the completely preventable causes of infertility.

Stress causes infertility and miscarriage and infertility and miscarriage cause stress. The cycle continues and consumes the affected couples. It is important to minimise stress so couples who are experiencing problems should seek help as early as possible.

A person's individual health also affects the sexual health of that person. If a person is suffering from some chronic illness or mental health it affects the sexual life and further reproductive health. It is always better to take consultation from health providers about a person's sexual health, as it is not only the individual's health but an individual's family health that affects his or her sexual life.

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Gluten Free Diet Tips

24/11/2010 11:54

The gluten diet could prove to be a very healthy diet. The use of starch and a great many additives are removed from your diet when using the gluten diet. The diet helps you to become aware of what you are putting into your body. There are recipes that are gluten free, tasty and easy to prepare. You will be able to eat deserts, turkey and other foods.

Gluten is one of the proteins found in varying levels in wheat, rye, barley and some other grains. It gives a doughy or elastic consistency to flours that are made from grains containing gluten. This traps air in the product and allows it to rise. As a result, we use these grains extensively in breads and other baked goods.

A common mistake for new Celiac Disease patients is to allow remnants of gluten-containing foods to contaminate their gluten-free foods, thus rendering futile thier entire gluten free diet plan. I suggest you keep a set of utensils, pots and pans separate from those used to cook gluten containing foods for others in the household.

Those who are affected by gluten simply need to stay away from it. In today's market with more awareness of celiac disease and its popularity, there are many products available that are gluten free. Studies say that 1 in every 133 persons suffers from celiac disease. Gluten free diets are filled with substitutes to products that are based on the use of wheat. When those with intolerances practice gluten free diets, they will also avoid conditions associated with gluten sensitivity such as Mermatitis Herpetiformis, a condition of the skin that causes irritation.

For those suffering from Celiac disease, having a zero gluten diet can restore their body and repair damage allowing them to live normal lives. However, there are many other people who may be suffering from gluten sensitivity who can benefit from a gluten free diet as well. People suffering from anxiety and depression related to gluten sensitivity can see vast improvements in their condition with a change in diet, without the need of harsh prescription drugs.

Initially, one must understand that gluten free diet is not a cure of Autism. It primarily lessens the symptoms of Autism in the child. Further, one must hold on to this diet for several months rather than a few weeks. While the gluten free diet the child intakes does its job well, it takes a long time to remove the gluten that is already consumed. In certain cases however, people do find immediate results.

The foods which contain gluten are all grains of one kind or another, principally wheat, rye and barley, as well as products derived from them, such as malt, wheat germ, semolina, etc. If you eat these and you have celiac disease you don't absorb the nutrients; they cause damage to your intestine and sometimes other problems as well. The situation is similar in other forms of gluten intolerance.

Mix egg and both cheeses in a bowl. Saute chicken in skillet until cooked. Add coarsely mashed beans, water, cumin, garlic powder, 1/2 cup picante sauce and the chilis. In separate bowl, mix tomatoes and remaining 1/2 cup picante sauce. In 9x13 inch pan, layer as follows: tomato sauce, noodles, chicken/bean mixture, cheese mixture. Then repeat. COVER and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until done.

Of course you're probably used to eating a lot of these foods along with foods that do contain gluten like wheat bread or pasta. These foods only contain gluten because they are made with wheat, rye, barley or some combination of these ingredients, however. You can actually find many alternative products made with other kinds of flours that can replace these gluten containing foods in your diet.

This makes it very important not to delay considering gluten as a cause of neurological symptoms nor delay diagnostic testing or institution of a gluten free diet. In my opinion a gluten free diet trial should be offered or considered for all neurological and psychiatric symptoms. However, I encourage anyone considering such a diet to first undergo adequate testing for celiac disease first because once a gluten free diet is initiated the tests may be falsely negative within 2-3 weeks of the diet.

Never entertain the concept that such a move makes you feel like an outcast. Be realistic but not harsh on yourself. You do not have a communicable disease. Rather, your condition calls for different needs, coupled with drastic measures, which should actually be addressed. It never advocates inferiority or superiority complex. If it proves helpful, you may request the whole family switch to a gluten-free diet for a short period of time to make the transition easier for you.

Many people especially diabetics have severe gluten sensitivities. Many illnesses have been associated with gluten consumption and one out of every hundred has gluten intolerances. People that suffer from infections such as diabetics develop this type of sensitivity.

A gluten free diet is not the "cure" for Celiac Disease... not even a little bit.  When Celiac disease is diagnosed the body has usually reached an extremely inflamed state, especially in the gut.  When the gut is inflamed it causes the immune system to defend itself by going after the tiny digestive fingers in the small intestine called the microvilli... by destroying them.

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